According to the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment, the five talent themes that I am dominant in are input, includer, intellection, empathy, and ideation. The intellection theme secribes an individual who likes challenging their mental ability. Their thinking ranges from specific problems to fleeting thoughts, depending on their strengths. People with this theme don’t always think of something in particular–they simply enjoy the exercise of thinking. As an introspective person, I like to spend time alone reflecting scenarios. I tend to put myself in other people’s perspectives in order to understand a situation better because I believe that’s an important factor in finding solutions to a problem. Intellection describes my work style in the sense that I come up with better answers when I’m alone since I have more time to ponder over the question. I opt for planning ahead of time instead of living in the moment, as I think having a solid ground to work on is better than making impromptu decisions. However, I’m always ready to switch back to reality and school my Aimless thoughts into something more pragmatic whenever the situation calls for it. Intellection can be misunderstood as overthinking, which is not always the case. For example, imagining worst-case scenarios can be deemed as negative or discouraging, but I like being prepared for any every obstacle so that I can go back to square one without feeling dishearted. I encourage myself and others to contribute any suggestions they have in mind, even if they turn out to be fruitless. An idea is an idea no matter how simple it is and can ultimately be applied towards a bigger picture.